
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I have not been posting much recently. The vast majority of my chart analysis is done on intraday charts. I have been waiting for permission to use some good intraday charts on my blog. Without a posted chart, it is hard to understand my analysis at times, so I end up with short postings without much information. I received the necessary permission yesterday evening. Here is an example of the new charts I will be using:

This is a daily chart, but the intraday charts will be just as clear. I have been using daily charts from, because their website grants permission to freely post them if attributed to them. I appreciate that allows this and I think their chart service and trader education are very good, but I will now use the charts shown above exclusively.
I apologize for the lack of postings and will now star posting more often, concentrating on GDX.
Happy trading.

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